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This article was posted 7 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

Quick guide to Google Analytics

We design and deliver bespoke websites that our customers use to grow their businesses. We make them Google friendly, and even include Search Engine Optimisation Software FOC will all of our websites. This process generates plenty of great traffic from Google search so we are also always keen to give all of our customers a quick guide to Google Analytics. This gives you site of how everyone’s hard work is paying off as you see customers finding you by searching for your products and services without knowing your name (non branded search). All of these are NEW BUSINESS which is always very rewarding

Quick guide to Google Analytics

Once logged in we guide most customers to the Acquisition section on the left hand menu. Click here and choose “All Traffic” then Channels. This will give you a screen showing your traffic split into simple to understand categories;

  • Direct – People who know your email address
  • Organic Search – People who typed something into Google or Bing and found your website
  • Referral – People who clicked on a link on another website and came to yours
  • Social  – People who came to your website from Social Media

We put most of our efforts into generating traffic from  Organic Search, Referral and Social. Here is how this works;

Organic Search

Using tools such as YOAST our customers can optimise all of their pages to attract search traffic. If you are using YOAST or creating your own content, you will see the fruits of your labour in this section as every search term used to find your website is listed here. The table shows your traffic in the following sections;

  • Sessions – Number of times visitors came to your website (as opposed to the number of visitors)
  • New Sessions -The second visit from the same person is not counted in this list
  • New Users – Number of people using your website for the first time
  • Bounce Rate – the number of visitors (%) that look at only 1 page of your website before leaving. The aim of your content creation or Search Engine Marketing should be to get this down by creating great content that encourages users to stay
  • Pages per session – As with Bounce Rate, the higher the number of pages per visit the more engaging your website
  • Average session duration – This shows how long browsers stayed on your website. the longer the better!


Encouraging other organisations to put links to your website on theirs (link building) is good practice and encouraged by Google. They see this as a recommendation and will rank your website higher for good links. They measure the quality of the links by ranking the website the link is on (Domain Authority). The BBC has a very high domain authority and links to your website from the BBC are as good as it gets. Links from your suppliers, online press and all associated businesses are great. Links bought from overseas “link building” businesses are generally to be avoided.

Social Media

When posting and sharing information about your company on any Social Media Channel we would always recommend encouraging your followers to click to read more o your website. Firstly they are then on your website and can browse other information, products and services, and secondly Google likes to see plenty of traffic. The busier your website, the better your Google ranking.



Read more posts by Alison

This article was posted 7 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

Bespoke websites designed to put you in control. Your website designed and built for you.
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A winning combination of Social Media marketing SEO and Email marketing that will grow your business.
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Regain control of your website. Fast response and access to our team of experts to help your business .Grow
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We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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