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This article was posted 5 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

What makes a great website?

The world of web-design is a complicated, you have bad web designers suggesting one thing and good saying another. As experts of bespoke websites, Global River, are here to tell you what makes a great website. 

With the number of websites rising everyday and with the total reaching 2 billion in 2020, making your website standout seems like a HUGE task. Rest assured with these steps below you will know what makes a great website!

  •  Purpose/Design/ Navigation 

Look at your website through your customers eyes. Think of three questions; What is the purpose? Is the design aesthetic? Is the website easy to navigate? 

These all go hand in hand with each other, if the purpose of website is e-commerce then the navigation from landing page to checkout has to be a smooth process, there has to be plenty of call to action buttons. This has got to also have a design which makes the user want to buy. Having a bespoke finish to your website is critical as poorly designed websites with poor navigation will encourage the user to leave the website as it is untrustworthy. 

Critically, navigation has to be prioritized as every page needs to link together with no errors. This is important for your SEO. Global River are experts in designing bespoke websites that work for you and your customers. See our work here!  

  • Build around your target audience 

You wouldn’t target dog food to cat owners, so don’t target your website to the wrong market either! Your website needs to follow a structure that appeals to the target audience. Your website is your online store so branding needs to be matching and recognizable for your customers. Start thinking about your business as brand! The blueprints of your website should be about what your customers need.  We, at Global River, quite often recommend that customers have a “Markets Section”. This has a page for each market they are in e.g. education, catering, IT and Technology. This allows them to show their specific expertise in this area.

  • Imagery 

Poor images on websites are obvious. However, it is an easy mistake to make as many business owners do not have the skills to resize images etc.  Having good quality imagery makes your website have the bespoke feel and make your website stand out. 

Global River are experts at making bespoke Websites, why not get in contact with us today! 

  • Search Engine Optimisation 

You have to make sure your website is optimised for search engines. It is a crucial feature for getting viewed on Google. Strong SEO gives good website ranking and will give you more organic searches (not paid advert searches). Check out other blogs on how to improve SEO here or contact Global River to work with our specialist team. 

  • Sell your services

Ultimately, the point of your website is to sell your services. The best way to sell your services are telling your potential customers what your current customers think! Customer testimonials and Trust Pilot reviews give your brand credibility which reassures the customer. Another way to sell your services is case studies that explain your expertise. For example,  if your business provides solutions e.g. company A approached us with this set of problems and we provided a solution(s) that solved all of the problems and saved them £x.00. This shows your work off. If you’re proud of your work then show it off.

Check out Global River case studies here

  • Key takeaways! 

-Remember your website is your online retail store.

-It needs to follow your brand image throughout the website. 

-User friendly and plenty of call to action buttons.

-Sell your services.

If you would like expert help on creating your perfect website, get in touch today! Global River are experts in creating bespoke websites, see our work here

Read more posts by Jon

This article was posted 5 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

0800 171 2230

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