Read more posts by Jon

This article was posted 13 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

Target the Internet

Target Busness AssistTarget Business Assist have teamed up with their digital media agency Global River to offer you both advice and discounted rates on web design and build. In increasingly challenging times many businesses are finding that digital marketing can achieve far better results than traditional media advertising and what is more it can be used for FREE!! Below are Global River’s top tips for marketing your business for free using digital media!

Email Marketing

Target Logo

Start gathering email addresses from both your existing and dream customers now!! You could be sending them targeted email marketing for free! Free bulk email solutions such as Mail Chimp mean that you can set up attractive email templates and be updating your customers on new products and services, recent successes, events, special offers etc all free of charge. According to a study by online communications firm Habeas, 67 per cent of respondents prefer email to other online communications, such as video or instant messaging, and 65 percent believe that they will continue to do so for the next five years. The ability to receive email on a Smartphone means that people find it less intrusive and more accessible than ever. Furthermore, posting information such as e-news letters on your website has a great effect on your ability to be found by the search engines (Google etc) which means you are doing your own SEO services for free! For a free review on how to set yourself up to start your email marketing campaign call us NOW on 0800 733299 or visit the contact us page.

Social Media Marketing

Setting up a Facebook or Twitter account is free and can be used to great effect to update your contacts with new products, special offers and events you may be involved in. The great thing about these forms of media are that once you have a following, you get the added bonus of feedback and instant interaction about your products, business and marketing efforts. As with email marketing, guiding followers to your site to read more, helps your site hugely with the search engines. Google likes the traffic, the links in to the site and the content you are posting on your site – SEO services done in-house and for free! For a free consultation on how Social Media could work for you call Global River on 0800 171 2230 NOW!


By posting articles on your products, services, expertise, on both your website and others you will begin to form a web of links to your website that will mean you get found more easily by people searching for your products and services. By researching your market and industry, you will also be able to find sites that will publish articles from your blog. The more of these you can find the greater chance you have of attracting search traffic in the future, remember customers searching for your services on the internet come to you free of charge!

Read more posts by Jon

This article was posted 13 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

.Build .Grow .Support

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

0800 171 2230

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