Wilmslow Cookery School Website

The Brief

Our close alliance with Dave Vickers of DesignCoUk brought us the Wilmslow Cookery School project. When Sarah shared her plan for a premier cookery school in Wilmslow Cheshire, we were as excited as her about the project! She explained that as she would be busy running the courses all bookings would have to be taken online, so an effective website was vital. She also had clear ideas about the look and feel the website should have! Finally as a small business owner Sarah needed to be able to manage the website herself.


The Solution

The Wilmslow Cookery School Website has been built with a full event management solution. Sarah can upload all courses herself and using a simple “tick box” driven Content Management System, categorise the courses to make searching for courses easy for browsers. The Wilmslow Cookery School website was also built to make SEO simple and effective. The course titles and the URL’s the create makes every course and News item a hit with Google. The website now receives in excess of 2000 visitors each month and is top of Google for most searches relating to cookery!!

If you would like to find out more why not get in touch.

0800 171 2230

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.Build .Grow .Support

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

0800 171 2230

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