Support Service & Maintenance
From helping in the event of a hack attack and providing technical help with WordPress, to creating amazing digital marketing campaigns, we want to make sure that we are always on hand to help and support you. As our customer base continues to grow we are also keen to continue providing the fast personal service that has contributed to our success so far. In order to keep your website safer from attack, WordPress and the plug-ins we use to deliver the great features you enjoy on your website, need to be updated regularly. From November 30th 2019, we will be monitoring and updating all of our WordPress sites within the new increased hosting price.
HOWEVER, when making these updates we cannot always guarantee that the new versions will all work with each other. To manage this and try to avoid any loss of service or functionality, we have a number of service options for our customers to take advantage of. We are hoping you will read through the information below and choose a support package that suits you!
Option 1
I am happy with the new hosting terms, the extra investment (£120.00 + VAT) and to have Global River monitoring my website and updating it when needed. If I experience any loss of functionality I am happy to pay the ad-hoc/emergency rates below.
Ad-hoc/emergency rates for hosting only customers
- Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30 pm £100.00 + VAT per hour
- Out of hours – £150.00 + VAT per hour
Option 2
In addition to the monitoring and updates that Global River currently undertake on my website I would like any issues that arise from any of these updates to be fixed immediately and am happy to set up a standing order for £30 per month to cover this*.
* Each fix to be a maximum of 1 hours work.
Option 3
I am already on a WebWorks package and with Global River
* All my updates will be made at the much reduced hourly rate
** Any emergency work will be undertaken immediately at the much reduced hourly rate.
Option 4
I would like to go on a WebWorks contract and get the full benefits of regular proactive marketing work as well as cut price cover.
What coverage do I get with my new upgraded hosting package?
The following support is now included in your hosting package:
- Monitoring of all WordPress and Plug-in security requirements – new!
- Security updates made as and when needed to reduce the hacking risk – new!
- 100% network uptime guarantee
- Live URL monitoring – Global River will be alerted of any issues that are affecting the performance of your website. The UKFast team will also be alerted and start to assess the problem
- 24/7/365 Server monitoring
- Daily backups on 2 week retention – Copies of your website can be retrieved from the back up should this be needed.
- Global River team will have access to a UKFast technical team 24/7 365 to provide emergency out of hours support*
View our Maintenance Terms and Conditions
Global River Standing Order Form
Service Option FormPlease fill in the form on this page and select which Service Option from above, you would like to sign up for. |
If you would like to find out more why not get in touch.Web Design Macclesfield Web Design Cheshire Web Design Knutsford Web design Northwich
0800 171 2230
[email protected]