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This article was posted 9 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

5 Benefits of Having a Professional Website

5 Benefits of Having a Professional Website.

1 – Increase New Business. If you need a builder or solicitor you are more likely to start your search on the internet rather then getting the yellow pages out. Its easier to type in “builder” into a search engine. Potential customers want to see pictures and testimonials to help in the decision process. With our built in SEO software you can use the best key words within the websites content for your sector and location so you can achieve a good position on search engines, even better when you add fresh content such as blogs and testimonials.

2 – Save Money.  Adverts in newspapers and magazines can be costly and you may not always see a return for your marketing budget. Again, most potential customers would prefer to look through the internet to look for companies….widen your net and invest in a good website.

3- Provide Information. Websites can provide a huge amount of information that customers need. Small businesses may only need a basic one page websites but most medium size businesses will want a gallery, services, testimonials and news about the business pages. Our websites include SEO software which means our clients can keep their websites up to date “in house” which gives their customers piece of mind and confidence they are trading well.

4 – Beat the Competition. How does your website compare to your competitors? Do you feel your website could look better if your existing customers visited it? If you feel its time for a change and you want to improve the look and feel of your website, then give Global River a call so we can help you gain a better market share through an improved website.  

5 – Reach out to new customers. Don’t relay on existing customers or contracts to keep your business going. With the use of Smart phones, tablets and other hand held devices to access the internet you can reach other demographic groups that you may not have been able to attract before.









Read more posts by Jon

This article was posted 9 years ago and is filed under Global River News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

.Build .Grow .Support

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

0800 171 2230

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